Stage Your Pool To Sell!

Amber RandhawaHome Staging

There are mixed messages about whether a pool helps you or harms you when selling your home. The general consensus seems to be that you should never add a pool with the hopes of recouping the costs when it time to sell, but if you want one and you will use it, go for it! But how do you make your pool more of a selling point when it does come time to put your home on the market? You can’t predict whether buyers in your area will be in the market for a pool or prefer a home without the trouble of pool maintenance, but you can put a little bit of time, effort and money into making your pool as attractive as possible. Read on for some of our pool staging tips!

Crystal Clear Water

The first thing a buyer will notice about your pool is the water. In fact, if they are not experienced pool-owners, the appearance of the water may be the only thing they notice. While your house is on the market and being shown to buyers, make sure you clean the pool water frequently. Clean the filter regularly and run it daily, and be sure to run the vacuum before showings. Also check before each showing to make sure your pool is free of any stray leaves or insects. If you have frequent showings or an open house coming up, consider picking up a few bottles of blue pool dye to give the water a deep, ocean blue color. One bottle can treat an average sized pool 2-3 times and lasts for 2-3 days.

Lifestyle Staging

Keep in mind that your home’s new owners may plan to use the pool area for activities other than swimming, such as a fun backdrop for entertaining. Make sure all pool lighting is in good working order, and if you don’t already have them, add landscape lighting around the outskirts of the pool area. Arrange a grill area on one end with a patio set if possible, keeping in mind that both will need to be either newly purchased or in almost new condition. Add a lounge chair or two to another end of the pool so that your buyers can also picture a relaxing area for reading and napping.

Store Your Stuff

Put away all of the pool floats and toys – yes, even that giant floating unicorn and flamingo set you thought would make the area look so funky and fun. They will make your pool look smaller and won’t allow the buyers to visualize the pool as theirs. All pool cleaning supplies and chemicals should be stored well out of site – don’t leave anything out that could remind your buyers of the maintenance involved with a pool. You only want them to think about the fun aspects of pool ownership.

Uncover and Clean the Equipment

Believe it or not, hiding the pool’s equipment because it is unsightly is not the best idea. Prospective buyers want to be able to view the filter tanks and pumps to make sure they appear clean, new and in proper working order. They also may want a specialized pool inspection done separate from the general home inspection and all of the equipment will need to be accessible. So trim away any bushes that have grown over the area and sweep or blow away debris. Apply weed killer to keep the area clear of new growth, and if the equipment pad sits on gravel add fresh rocks to a depth of one inch. Scrub the equipment itself clean as well. Grab some gloves and use an abrasive cleaner such as Comet or Ajax on metal parts, then switch to a more gentle cleanser for any plastic components. Clean the filter and make sure your vacuum and skimmer aren’t covered in leaves and dirt.

Off Season Showings

Are you selling your home long after the final swim of the season?  You can still show off your pool area’s versatility! Add decorative throws to lounge chairs and place an attractive tea set on a nearby table to showcase the area as a perfect place to curl up with a warm drink. Make sure your pool cover is clean and free of any rips or tears, and make sure it is a perfect fit for your pool.